Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 19 - 24, 2010

OH NO, I am behind again...

May 19...
  • Loaded up my car with all the goodies I had been collecting for the Senior (12th graders) All-Nighter.
  • Went to Walmart to pick up the drinks for the Senior All-Nighter...I was supposed to go later with Olive, but it was threatening to rain and I did not want to have to do that project in the rain. No we did not get rain after all.
  • Went to church...unloaded the drinks and all the other stuff in my car...stashed it in the senior closet.
  • Started work in the History Office
  • Other Senior All-Nighter goodies began to my office.
  • After all the goodies were at church and locked up I went to lunch with Geri and Fran.
  • After lunch transferred the goodies from my office to senior closet...project completed.
  • Worked on history
  • Ate supper
  • Bible Study
  • Home
  • Fell into bed
May 20...
Left the church with the senior adults to go on a Mystery Trip...we went to the Old Red Museum. They/someone has refurbished the Old Red Courthouse into a museum of Dallas County from its beginning to 2007. There were originally 4 courtrooms on the second floor, each courtroom hold 1/4 of the Dallas history, across from the original wrought iron Grand Stairway there is an area that was probably once offices that has been turned into the Crystal Charity Ball Children's Education Center. This is a magnificent museum...very well done. After the museum we had lunch at the Original El Fenix in downtown Dallas...of course it was pouring rain as we were ready to leave the restaurant, but none of us melted. It was a lovely day. Mystery Trips are good.

I got home just as Brian and Lisa and Sarge were leaving to go to Birmingham to close on their house and move their remaining possessions to Dallas.

May 21...
Senior All-Nighter. Zach spent the night with me.

May 22...
Just me and Zach...took the dogs to the groomer...baked cookies...picked dogs up from the groomer...cooked Mac and Cheese and Spam for me and Zach and Cindie...Cindie was beat she was one of the leaders for the Senior All-Nighter...not as young as she used to be.

May 23...
Sunday...Senior Breakfast...Senior Speaker and video of the seniors life...Worship Service...Lunch...evening Worship Service...home.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Ice Cream Scoop!

I forgot one very amusing thing that happened yesterday.

Brian asked if he could use the Ice Cream Spoon to dip something else...other than ice cream. I said yes. Now you have to remember that the Ice Cream Spoon has been around for ever, the handle is broken, but it is sturdy enough to scoop ice cream without bending it. I suppose it is all the grand kids know at my house.

Lisa said Mee Maw I have been thinking about buying you a real Ice Cream Scoop.

My reply was that I really think I remember buying an Ice Cream Scoop. We got to looking and actually found a real Ice Cream Scoop in one of the kitchen drawers.

Well Brian really went into orbit. He was so excited. You would have thought I had just handed him the world on a golden platter. He even added that it was a really good one. I am sure I got it at Walmart.

It really takes "so much" to make grand kids happy. They are all so special. Love them all.

May 10 - 18, 2010

My times flies when we are having fun!

Monday, May 10--Pop Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 12--Work at church, supper, Bible Study
Friday, May 14--Forever Young Club in the morning, work on project in the afternoon, rain

Now that certainly doesn't sound like much but I do know that every minute between all of these events had to fall into place correctly or I would have never finished anything. I can tell you that I finished the project and and checked everything off the list. Just don't ask me what was on the list. I can't remember, I just know it is done.

Lisa left town Thursday morning, Brian and I survived, Spencer came into town Friday evening.

Saturday, May 15--Spencer went to College Station. I went with Cindie and Mike to College Station to see the Corp of Cadets Final Review for 2010. It was also Josh's last Corp event--the end of his four years in the Corp. It was the beginning of Spencer's fourth year in the Corp. All-in-all it was a very special occasion. Then all the family present went to eat, after that four cars headed to Dallas. This family makes every event special, exciting, hilarious, and/or whatever. Nothing is ever boring. Vickie and Donny left for themselves, with no children in tow. Josh and Jenny were in the lead car to Dallas, followed by Mike, Virginia, and Zack in one car, then Heather was driving Spencer's truck with Patrick as a passenger, bringing up the rear was Cindie, Shelby, Me and Spencer who was dead asleep. We kept H & P in the middle since they were the youngest and most inexperienced drivers. H & P decided about 40 miles out of Mesquite to change drivers. No big deal we probably all needed a break. Arrived my house...H & S grabbed a blanket, pillow and a couch and crashed. I was right behind them, put my head on my pillow at 2:30 am Sunday morning.

Sunday, May 16--Got H & S up, fed them a waffle, and sent them on their way to Arkansas for the summer. Went to church, then a quick rest, then Baccalaureate for P, then rest, then church, then to bed for the night. It was a full day! (Lisa came home sometime but I didn't see her until the next morning.)

Monday, May 17--Pop Choir Performance at Christian Care Center, ran errands, and chilled.

Tuesday, May 18--More projects, more errands. Trying to get things in order for the beginning of another whirlwind of activities for the remainder of the week and the remainder of the month.

I keep reminding myself that I LOVE THE MONTH OF MAY.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Wow is it already May 9th, Mother's Day...what happened between my last post on April 24th and today?

Well several things happened:
  • April 26-30--TAKS week for public schools and some family members...5 grandchildren taking TAKS test and three children administering the TAKS test.
  • April 26-30--Yard work...Patrick and I (he didn't have to take the TAKS test)...I am trying to improve the condition of my yard. Over the last few years it has begun to deteriorate and look drab. I am determined to improve that situation.
  • April 30--Shelby's 20th birthday...where was she, taking a college class all weekend.
  • April 28--Retired Teacher's meeting...part of the program included information about the Brickyard Cemetery Preservation Project. Very few people in Mesquite even know that there ever was a Black Community in our city. It was moving away about the time I moved to Mesquite, but I knew about it and about where it was located, but not much more. I am glad they are trying to preserve the cemetery.
  • May 3--BSF Introduction for next year...I have completed all the Bible Study Fellowship courses up to this point, but next year there will be a new study-on the Book of Isaiah--and I am planning to attend, but before you can attend you have to attend an introduction and enrollment session.
  • May 4--Voting for local stuff...City Council, DCCCD board members, etc. I am convinced now more than ever that informed voting is absolutely necessary, and I intend to do my part. Sometimes I may be voting against a candidate, but that is important also.
  • May 5--Lighthouse Award Program for Patrick...the entire faculty from Principal to Security Guard is included. Each person chooses a student who has made an impression on that faculty member. The student is presented a certificate, a lapel pin, a picture of the two of them. The program consists of 3 of the chosen students making a speech regarding their plight in life and how they have overcome obstacles to get to where they are today.
  • May 5--Korean Children Choir at our church...such a treat. These were students of the approximate 4th - 6th grade age range (maybe a couple or 7th-8th grade range). They were polite, well organized, and very talented. They sang and choreographed songs (Patriotic and Hymns) in English and Korean. They wore two performance uniforms during the program-formal wear and native wear. They also had a traveling uniform-black skirts and slacks with white blouses and shirts. They ate dinner in our dinning hall with all of us and they were wearing their formal wear (pink dresses and black tuxes). They visited with our kids as our kids came by the table, but they never left their table. They were not running all over the dinning hall. They left the dinning hall in single file to prepare for the concert. After the program they left the choir suite in their traveling uniform, in single file, carrying their own uniform bags headed straight for the bus. However, they were all smiles and told us all good bye as they passed us in the hall.
  • May 6--Singing Men of Texas Concert...composed of men in the North Texas area who are Ministers of Music in a church, retired from a church, or on staff in a Christian College, or somehow connected to Christian music leadership. These men were scheduled to go on a singing mission trip to the Ukraine, but the volcanic ash from the erupting volcano in Iceland delayed their trip until October 2010. Their repertoire included two numbers in Russian. By October they will be singing a new repertoire of new music, but they will still sing their Russian numbers in the Ukraine.
  • May 8--Mother's Day dinner with Larry, Brenda, Jordan, Courtney, Hunter...because there are so many variables in Larry's family they decided to celebrate Mother's day for Brenda and I on Saturday night. We went to a place called Fish City. Excellent food.
Well now I am tired just thinking over the activities since the last post.

When I look forward to the remainder of May and on into June it looks about the same