May 19...
- Loaded up my car with all the goodies I had been collecting for the Senior (12th graders) All-Nighter.
- Went to Walmart to pick up the drinks for the Senior All-Nighter...I was supposed to go later with Olive, but it was threatening to rain and I did not want to have to do that project in the rain. No we did not get rain after all.
- Went to church...unloaded the drinks and all the other stuff in my car...stashed it in the senior closet.
- Started work in the History Office
- Other Senior All-Nighter goodies began to my office.
- After all the goodies were at church and locked up I went to lunch with Geri and Fran.
- After lunch transferred the goodies from my office to senior closet...project completed.
- Worked on history
- Ate supper
- Bible Study
- Home
- Fell into bed
Left the church with the senior adults to go on a Mystery Trip...we went to the Old Red Museum. They/someone has refurbished the Old Red Courthouse into a museum of Dallas County from its beginning to 2007. There were originally 4 courtrooms on the second floor, each courtroom hold 1/4 of the Dallas history, across from the original wrought iron Grand Stairway there is an area that was probably once offices that has been turned into the Crystal Charity Ball Children's Education Center. This is a magnificent museum...very well done. After the museum we had lunch at the Original El Fenix in downtown Dallas...of course it was pouring rain as we were ready to leave the restaurant, but none of us melted. It was a lovely day. Mystery Trips are good.
I got home just as Brian and Lisa and Sarge were leaving to go to Birmingham to close on their house and move their remaining possessions to Dallas.
May 21...
Senior All-Nighter. Zach spent the night with me.
May 22...
Just me and Zach...took the dogs to the groomer...baked cookies...picked dogs up from the groomer...cooked Mac and Cheese and Spam for me and Zach and Cindie...Cindie was beat she was one of the leaders for the Senior All-Nighter...not as young as she used to be.
May 23...
Sunday...Senior Breakfast...Senior Speaker and video of the seniors life...Worship Service...Lunch...evening Worship Service...home.